Missing Persons

Most of my circle is comprised of people in communications, production, and worship.

So here’s a behind the scenes.

Most of my friends have figured out a way to serve remotely.

I knew one person who regularly called the church office to be sure the production Mac was on so they could set up service.

I knew someone else who ran sound for a church in Charlotte, NC, while on vacation in Myrtle Beach.

I know of someone going out of town soon for a family function. Yet, this person still plans to serve. They’ll log in remotely to get the service set up and run the camera – yes run the camera – from a remote location.

I personally have hosted our livestream while on vacation. More than once. And the one time I needed a week off, a friend in another state hosted the livestream for me.


Because although there are a lot of us, there aren’t quite enough of us.

And at some point most of us realized if we want any sort of social or family life, we’ve got to serve remotely.

But at the same time, most of us love our churches and do want to be there.

We’ve just figured out ways to get things done on the days we can’t be there.

And the sad — very sad — reality hit. Because we’re still doing the things when we’re not physically there, few people miss us when we’re away. Go ahead and read that again.

Now – switch gears.

A few years ago, I learned of a church that had their livestream host in their main church service. Until then, most livestream hosts I knew were in a back, hidden, room.

I thought through the benefits of hosting the livestream from the auditorium (sanctuary).

People watching would know their host was at the church.

People at the church would have a subtle awareness that just by being there, they were reaching beyond their four walls.

Livestream hosting is more than just a chat. It’s a ministry. One that shouldn’t be hidden, but celebrated.

Then I got to run ProPresenter at a ministry conference. At the host church, the sound booth wasn’t a back walled in room, it was on the floor towards the back of the church.

I wasn’t isolated — this ministry can be isolating enough.

Instead I got to interact with people at the conference.

I felt like I was part of something.

That’s a good feeling for a volunteer.

Now, I’ve given you some facts (and my personal opinion).

How does this come together?

Because recently in different situations with different churches, I’ve had people tell me that the livestream host shouldn’t be in the auditorium (or sanctuary). Instead they felt a livestream host should be in a back, hidden room (this is the case in most churches).

Let me tell you what that says to a livestream host:

It says you’re not one of us.

You’re in the way.

It says you belong in a back hidden room.

It says you may serve remotely.

If church is about people, why are we sending a message to hundreds of church communicators that it’s okay for them to serve remotely?

I know church livestreams that are reaching thousands of people each week.

Our own church is growing and reaching hundreds in a typical week.

To me, these ministries should be celebrated and valued. Not hidden.

I challenge you this week to look around and ask about your livestream (if you don’t already know).

(Pro tip: most churches go live online earlier than service starts – some 30 minutes or more – so if you are gonna take this challenge you’ll need to get up early. Because once the stream starts, that’s where a host focuses.)

Ask how many people they reach in a typical week.

Bring coffee. Or better yet, send coffee gift cards!

In hundreds of churches, all over the world, there are people who can serve remotely. Look around for them this week. And miss them if they aren’t there.

I Trust In God

4 years ago, while venturing into very unknown and uncharted territory , God made me a promise.

It was a moment that I heard His voice so incredibly clearly I was almost startled.

Since then I have searched for answers.
In my quiet time, I get the same answer.

In the busyness and when I’m tired and weary, I get the same answer.

In telling a very, very, few trusted friends, I get the same answer.

Recently I told a handful of people who don’t know me well. Opening your heart and sharing a promise that has been on your heart for years is terrifying but it needed to happen.

Now I pray.

And I trust in God.

My Prayer For Church Communicators

I shared something with our own church’s communications team a few weeks ago and I hope this helps one of you as we finish out the year.


Church communications is about more than a public platform to reach the unchurched or random strangers. It’s also about keeping your congregation informed and connected. It’s about supporting your staff as they lead the church. [I am a volunteer, and I was addressing other volunteers.]

May we not just see these apps and programs we use — Subsplash, Planning Center, Facebook, Instagram, and MailChimp — as tools to use and something to do, but as gifts and platforms to share the Gospel.

Because it’s about more than likes and clicks and shares. It’s about people and souls.


How many chances?

Without giving exact dates, or too much detail, today I find myself wondering…

How many times you can say no to God.

You see, 3+ years ago He unquestionably told me my next step.

I chased down that next step for a few years and every door shut.

And I wondered if I misheard.

No, child, you heard correctly the what.

Now you must wait on the how, when, and where.

And thus began a season of complete and total obedience.

Trust. Faith. Belief.

And then out of the nowhere, the perfect door opened. But I said no.

And then another perfect door opened. And again I said no.

And now a third door has opened, but there are so many people blocking the way.

I see the entry — do I take the roof entrance?

I’m trying to not focus on the people, only this door.

But ultimately only on Jesus.

God Keeps His Promises

Several years ago I was serving as a next steps director at a church. I was primarily responsible for our guest services teams, assimilation/connections, and I was the Master Administrator of our church database.

That database — and its areas of public accessibility — launched me into church communications (I had a background in corporate marketing and design, as well.)

Fast forward several years — I am working with an international church media company and I had a side gig coaching/consulting with churches on team structure and sustainable growth practices.

Mostly through that side gig I got to track data and metrics on what was working and what wasn’t.

At the same time I was seeing growth in the church we attended and wondered if any of the areas I was seeing in the churches I worked with would be beneficial to our own church.

The first step was prayer. I needed to remove my agenda. I needed to remove me.

I had to hear from God.

I needed clarity. I needed wisdom. I just needed Him. Just Him.

Once I knew without a doubt what His answer was, I approached our church staff.

I mapped out the plan for a communications team that I wholeheartedly believed God had given me.

Our church staff listened and prayed.

A short time later they agreed that this team could be part of our church’s mission.

The first few months were rough. It seemed like forever that I was a team of one.

I kept asking God if I’d heard wrong, but He continued to promise me that He was there.

That’s the important thing His plan drove my vision and His promises never fail.

Today I was updating Planning Center (yes, I’m still in love with the church database) and I’ve got 15 people on this team.

What!?!? Thank you, God!

There’s still a lot I’m responsible for but there’s so much I haven’t been able to do that I can now do because I’ve got a team.

God said He would and He did!!

Now for next steps.

He’s made me another promise and this one is big. Like huge and I’m not ready to share what or who it’s about but I believe He’ll keep this promises.

Jesus Wins

Let me tell you what I love about serving in communications:

  • I love that I see the back end numbers of who we are reaching. Church is more than Sunday morning in a building. I love that our content social media is reaching both our followers (our congregation and friends) and non-followers.
  • I love to track which type of content reaches the most people. Seriously – if I tell you that your content isn’t right for a particular platform, it’s only because I want your content to reach the most people.
  • I love that I get to provide a connection for someone who can’t— or maybe even won’t— come to a physical building.
  • I love that I get opportunities to pray for those people online during the service.
  • I love that I get to listen and watch the service sometimes several times over as I create shareable clips to post during the week.
  • I love that I get to care for a team. It’s a small team, but they are dedicated, talented, and it’s growing.
  • I love that God had given me a vision for growth in this ministry and that He gave me the heart to see it as a ministry rather than a task.
  • I love that I get advance notice of what’s to come. I get to pray for how people will receive the words and sometimes get to promote what’s to come.
  • I love connecting with my counterparts at other churches both globally and locally to strategically reach our communities and our world for Jesus through digital platforms.
  • I love creating series art and sermon quote art — its not slapping words on an image— it’s the word of God coming to life visually.
  • There are more things I love — too many to list.

Now let me tell you what I miss (because love does take sacrifice)

  • I miss Sunday lunches and dinners with my family. Video editing can take a lot of time
  • I miss praying with people or even talking to people at church. Most people don’t know I’m even there. The livestream starts early, ends late, and there’s gear to pack up. There have been times I needed prayer, but I push through it to serve others. I’ve served through sadness, grief, tiredness, and loss that no one ever knew about.
  • I miss certain activities and events. Communications is not only device-centric but time sensitive. I need to be serving when most people are “off.”
  • I miss a dedicated lunch break every Thursday to send our church email.
  • I miss being part of a team that huddles and prays together.
  • I miss mornings, evenings, weekends, and sleep. I serve when I’m not working my full-time job.


I will always always always start with what I love. What I’m grateful for.

Every ministry…. EVERY MINISTRY takes sacrifices.

Ask people in ANY ministry what they give up to serve. Their lists are undoubtedly long.

This is NOT an “I give up more than you” comparison.

If we’re going to compare, let’s compare our lists to Jesus’.

Because He wins.

He missed a lot when He gave up His life.

A View From The Back

You know those times you need one thing from the store? We no longer live in a time where you can borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbor. Unless you have our neighbors — they’re the best.

But sometimes in the middle of a mess, you really HAVE to run to the store.

You’ve had a hard day and it shows in how you look. And you pray that you won’t run into anyone you actually know.

And then you see everyone. Almost everyone.

So yesterday going to and at church…

Let me back up…

Last week was one of those weeks that I wished didn’t happen. A prayer that I’ve prayed for wasn’t answered as I’d hoped. A family we love is grieving the loss of someone way too young.

And yes, as Christ followers we know without a doubt where she is. But there is still heartbreak. This is not the outcome I prayed for.

The sadness hit heavy and hard.

But the show — or in this case the church service — must go on.

So I made it to church and took my place in the back. Behind the screen.

My little livestream corner.

I prepped some social media (really just resized slides to squares — 17 of them!), remembered that I hadn’t scheduled a push notification which has to be done manually each week, I checked a link which I had hoped would be ready ahead of schedule – but wasn’t, I prepped our sermon title thumbnails so all I would need post-service was a single image, and then I cried.

I cried more than I thought I would, could, or should.

The sermon was fantastic, but my tears were a response to the week.

Tired tears.

Sad tears.

Weary, exhausted, and heartbroken tears.

Fortunately no one turned around and saw the crying mess I was in the back of the room. And I even had the opportunity to pray with someone on the livestream. I do love it when people ask for prayer during our livestream.

And talk about great. Any morning that that sees four hands raised for Jesus, yields a Sunday afternoon cutting 12 sermon clips, a baptism recap video, and church members requesting digital copies of the service slides is undoubtedly a great morning.

But I definitely breathed a sigh of relief when I got home.

Relief that only Jesus saw – and relief that Jesus always sees and loves – the blotchy, swollen, puffy-eyed, runny-nosed, middle-of-the-mess me.

Never more grateful for a view from the back than yesterday.

Do the lines get blurred?

A few Sundays ago, I was serving my church — doing what I often do on a Sunday: editing video.

This particular Sunday, there was a church event, so I had my laptop in front of me while precariously balancing a plate of hot dogs (I never did eat them) and a bag of popcorn.

The person across from me asked if I was working.


I’m serving.

There’s a difference.

Do the lines get blurred?

In short — no. But I suppose they could.

To be fair, when I worked at a church, those lines did get blurred. Often and almost always.

But now. I work full time in church media.

I serve in a leadership role in church communications.

Media // Communications

There’s definitely potential for some lines to get blurred.

But they don’t.

Work is Monday-Friday 8am-5pm with a short break for lunch. I have some flexibility since I work from home. But my employer honors my time by paying me a fair living wage and providing benefits, so I will honor my time commitment to them.

It’s called: A JOB.

Serving our church comes before work, after work, and on weekends.

To the outsider it could appear that I’m working all the time.

I am not.

I’m blessed to have a job I truly enjoy, co-workers who are more like friends, and the knowledge that my work is making an impact for Jesus’ Bride — the church.

I’m equally blessed to serve our family church in a role that merges my ability, affinity, and affirmations.

I’m able to separate the two and draw boundaries.

Is it easy? No. But doable.

I’ll dive into how I do this in a later post. But for now – no blurry lines.

God Will Determine Our Steps

One of my favorite verses is this —

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. – Proverbs 16:9

Here’s what’s hard about this.

Sometimes those steps aren’t easy. Sometimes God will give you gifts you don’t want to use and call you to ministry you don’t really want to be in.

I’m an introverted people person.

It sounds weird, but I’ll explain.

Way WAY back at the beginning of this Christian journey, I was working for a creative marketing company.

Personal friends invited me to church. I went.

I thought it might be good to get involved so I grabbed a connect card and checked any and all appropriate boxes.

And I never got the call.

Classes, events, and Bible studies happened and I never got invited.

Church became the loneliest place.

As a new Christian, I was digging into the word and studying the Bible.

I did this on my own, but there are lot of good books and resources — and I was still attending church on Sunday morning and hearing sermons.

And I realized that the actions — or inactions of not responding to a connect card – of people weren’t indicative of the character of God.

This is important and I’m glad I learned this lesson early (and hear it often).

God’s character does not change based on our circumstances.

But my desire to make sure no one ever felt lonely in church led to a leadership role in connections, first impressions, and assimilation.

I loved helping our first time guests connect to the right ministry or small group.

I’m mostly introverted, but even introverts need a few close friends, and I loved having this purpose.

Gradually my focused shifted to primarily first impressions, and I remember the exact moment I was called to communications. God had been stirring my heart in communications and when that moment happened, He was unmistakably clear. (I’ll share in another post.)

So my life behind the screen began. As an introvert, this suited me. But as someone who doesn’t like to do life alone, this was hard.

Remember I had a background in creative marketing. I knew my way around graphic design software, databases, and email marketing platforms.

But life behind the screens can get lonely. I’ve heard the same sentiments from people in other ministries. To a musician, life behind the instrument or from the stage, can be lonely. From a photographer, it’s life behind the lens. There are even books about the painful side of leadership.

From website updates, graphic design, to post service video editing, the world of church communications, can be isolating — this is especially true if you’re serving in a small church.

Many things in communications are time sensitive. (The podcast has to drop by a certain time which means audio needs editing, and the audio is generated from the video…) Meeting time sensitive deadlines means not participating in other activities and for people serving smaller churches or on smaller teams, this can be particularly isolating.

But the rewards are great — especially in this digital age (as I write this in April 2023).

Not long ago I shared a short “reel” video on our church social media pages.

According to the metrics, I reached over 300 people not otherwise connected to our church.

I am always in awe of God but I was particularly amazed. There I was – in that particular moment struggling with feelings of loneliness and feeling disconnected — and God used me to help reach more people with a one minute video than most churches reach on a Sunday morning.

I realized in a small way, I am connected to those people and I am helping them connect to a church (albeit a church social media account) and ultimately — I hope and pray — to Him.

And as I read comments and interactions to our social media posts, I realize those posts — and the platforms — are providing a source of connection to some people.

My plan was for people to feel connected.

My plan was for people to know Jesus.

God has determined the steps.

God — who is the same. Yesterday, today, and forever.

Is it still a struggle? Some days. Not always. Not even usually or mostly, but some. A few.

But God has determined these steps.

Who Communications

Looks like God has given me a theme: who, what, where, why, and how. Maybe not necessarily in that order.

“Who” could really cover a wide range. You’re building communications platforms for both the public and your private church family (your church members).

Let’s go back to my why (read my previous blog post)

It probably won’t shock you to know that my focus tends to be on outward facing communications. Website and social media platforms are geared specifically towards the public, usually those outside the church.

Admittedly, I’m less gifted when it comes to internal communications. This looks like helping your church members know what’s happening (when is summer camp and what’s the deadline to sign up?).

This also looks like helping people take next steps (which I do love), like finding a small group or a place to serve.

So our church started 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Many churches do this. I think it’s a good thing.

Then our Pastor wanted it everywhere — on all social platforms.

Nope. Our public isn’t gonna get it. They’ll think we’re crazy. I mean, we are a little bit, but we don’t promote that – ummm – publicly.

But as I’m just a volunteer, I usually just do whatever the staff tells me to do without giving too much pushback.

So I’m posting videos and prayers to all platforms and wouldn’t you know it — God is working in me.

Our reach (reaching people) is lower. But our engagement (mostly our church members) is increasing. Not every day but many.

This means we’re serving the body of Christ well. This means our church is growing spiritually.

And while the marketer in me is still a little cringing, the church member in me is learning more each day what it means to serve our church and watch our church family grow.

And I can’t think of a better way to serve our community.